Aexjet - Basalt, Colorado, United States

We recently learned about a small private jet company named aexjet that specializes in mountain destinations such as Aspen and Telluride. The name, AEXJet, stands for Aspen Executive Air and is based in the famous ski destination of Aspen, CO. Founded by CEO Ron Stone, AEXjet is a high-end jet card membership program with a small fleet of 14 planes as of January 2007. The fleet will expand to a total of 60 planes over the next 6 years. The fleet includes large cabin jets such as the Falcon 900B, mid-sized jets such as the Citation X, Hawker 800 and Gulfstream G200, and light jets such as the LearJet 35.The Aspen based fleet serves nine major metropolitan areas including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, South Florida, Dallas, Houston, Austin and Atlanta. Destinations are not limited to these above locations; AEXJet will accommodate their members' needs.
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