Owning a private jet or yacht is the ultimate in luxury travel for the millionaires. In case you haven’t noticed, there are many choices when it comes to light sport aircraft. Gobosh Aviation has now unveiled a new luxury sport aircraft at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring. The new 800XP represents the ultimate all-composite Light Sport Aircraft. This aircraft, produced in the Czech Republic, touts a structural composite design that is similar to that used by the world’s most successful personal aircraft and commercial aircraft manufacturers. It has been manufactured in collaboration with the Kabrt Brothers, the most productive and successful airframe designers in the LSA class. The 800XP has cell-saving parachute and magnificent leather interior. The luxury sport aircraft comes with the Dynon Glass Panel supported by select Garmin components and Bose noise cancelling headsets. The Gobosh 800XP sure stands alone with its unparalleled ramp appeal both inside and out. The fully loaded 800XP sport aircraft is going to set you back a cool $130,000.
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