If you think that tiptoeing on the pricey Hermes shoes while donning the smartest D&G outfit and a complementing Gucci or Fendi handbag can get you labeled as the Queen of brands, then you are still unaware of this latest brand styling. An outlandish synthesis of luxurious style and masculine weapons as well as mechanical gadgets, this line of blinged armory is a part Peter Gronquist’s latest show - The Revolution Will Be Fabulous: A Weapons of Mass Designer Show. This guy has stretched the branding mania a bit too far by labeling replica or non-operative rifles and chain saws with Louis Vuitton, Coach, Gucci, Hermes and the likes. And its not only the name but also the ultra snazzy look that goes in to making them so talked about. For $5,000 you can get a big Versace while the LV Electric chair comes for $4,500. The rifles are averaging at about $3,000 plus with a few dollars up and down according to the design and brand name. The Chanel rocket launcher is launched at $4,500.
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