Gold and Diamond Chocolates – Can it get more wicked?
A hard core chocolate freak that I am, trust me to list at least 25 reasons to establish the fact that chocolate is better than a man! But now, I don’t want to misuse your precious time by listing all of them as I have better things to enlighten you about. Voila, here’s the most luxurious manifestation of this rich, dark and satisfying yet sinful edible stuff. The Royal Collection from Cocoa Gourmet with gold, silver and diamonds will unfailingly captivate your senses and spirit. A royal treat for eyes too before you pop them one by one to relish the texture of Swiss ganache in your mouth! Priced at just $1,250, this collection contains 12 masterpieces in all. To be more precise, fours 22 carat Gold chocolates, four pure silver chocolates and four sweet Diamond ones. More than what you actually need to opulently tantalize you taste buds.
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