The Unity of England has always remained an avid topic with historians especially with reference to Anglo-Saxons and what could now potentially bring back the topic to life after a long gap is the discovery of this rare cross. Not on the same tone though, they could now be remembered again for an amateur treasure hunter has found a 1400-year old (hailing from the 7th century) Anglo Saxon Cross from a farm in Nottinghamshire. The Cross believed to be worth £25,000 has been done in 18 karat gold and has three red gemstones intact. Believed to worn as a pendant for its small-size it is made of gold melted from Merovingian French Coins. Even the three red gemstones are special as they are supposedly the Grantum gems which are one of most ancient stones in the world. A treasure hunters dream, this cross could be a huge attraction for the German origin people residing in the UK.
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