Aviation Insurance Broker for Private & Commercial Aircraft

The obvious best way to keep your aviation insurance costs down is to never have an accident and to maintain superior records. Some ways to help your aviation insurance risk management program are:
Document and continually update your flight safety program, which should include approach and landing accidents and controlled flight into terrain (ALAR/CFIT), dissimilar aircraft operations, ground handling safety, runway incursions, and more.
Create an operations manual for your flight department. Click to view NBAA outline of sample operations manual.
Be sure to obtain the required annual recurrent training in the make and model of aircraft you operate.
Create a safety plan and an accident response plan. Continual training and supervisionof staff to reduce accidents will keep your operations safer and your aviation insurance premiums down. Accident response drills will help personnel perform more efficiently during an emergency and may reduce injury or loss of life.
NBAA Best Practices for Business Aviation Security (opens in new window)
NBAA Flight Department Security Check List (PDF in new window requires Acrobat Reader plug-in)
Document your operational procedures in training manuals, such as Standard Operating Procedures and Safety & Security.
Conduct an annual review of your aviation insurance policy to ensure it accurately reflects the current value of your aircraft and other assets, as well as the changes your operation has undergone in the past year.