When you start getting tired of speeding up your swanky cars and wish to chill out with family in a stylish manner, then all you need is a Family Bicycle. Riding on it means making a style statement.This typical bicycle has three wheels and a tough frame coated with steel powder for maximum resistance. A set of two independent pedals provide pedal power according to the pedaler’s leg strength. It has two big seats for the pedalers and a rear facing seat meant for the kids or to adjust the extra knickknacks to wish to carry along. To provide your royal backs with comfort, the seats are padded with 2 inches of foam and are made adjustable to fit according to the paddler’s height. Along with this a lower back comfort is provided which makes your rides all the more enjoyable. So its time to go green on wheels and for that you need to shell out a handsome $2700 from your royal pockets.
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