When was the last time you lost track of time while having that little chat with someone at the bar? Presumably very recently. An ode to those who value time and also to those who don’t, a tribute to the timepiece and a testimonial to the fact that most of us don’t value time as much as we should, is the Big Time designed by Lee J Rowland. Big Time is a sleek and stylish giant wristwatch, which can be used as a table, and when guests or clients look at the table, they will know you are someone who values time a lot! You can finally intimidate those blokes who aren’t punctual in the most artistic and possibly most expensive way possible. The Big Time has a programmable LED clock and a touch button feature just like any other normal watch. It is also possible to have an 8-letter message of your choice. Now we said this is a table, so in order to prove its function as a table, it has slim drawers hidden somewhere and you can hide all the things, which you don’t want on your wristwatch table. The price apparently is available only on request, which means it is going to be prohibitively priced. If you don’t have a problem with spending money, you can ask for chrome and gold finishes as well. via UberGizmo / Gizmodo
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