If you are not satisfied with your Manolo Blahniks and other designer shoes, you must try something more exclusive like Judy Garland’s Arabian ruby slippers. This could very well be the best red shoes to dance the blues, as David Bowie might put it. Judy, who played Dorothy Gale and wore the red ruby shoes, has got all the actresses in a tizzy even to this day. There really is something very glamorous about the classical Hollywood era, when everything had to be as opulent and classy as possible. Minimalism was something that was best avoided and the stars reeked of class and richness. The studded and jeweled pair of shoes might be the most exclusive to go on sale at Saks Fifth Avenue, New York. The lure of the witchy ruby shoes has been really strong even after 7 decades, we must say. If you are considering buying the ruby shoes, you must also know that the money will go to charity. Fink estimates that each of the 5 pairs designed by Adrian Greenberg of MGM studios and worn by Judy garland in the 1939 film ‘The Wizard of Oz’ may fetch $1000 and more.Labels: Dorothy, Judy Garland, Lifestyle, Manolo Blahnik, Ruby Slipper, Wizard of Oz
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